Note that the ME and AE field Q exams are handled jointly. TAM Q exams are handled independently. For additional info and with questions, contact your DGS and/or GFA.
General Recommendations for the Q
- DO ask lots of questions. There is absolutely no restriction on asking anyone anything about the Qs. This includes your DGS/GFA and special committee chair.
- DO study in groups. Students that study together perform best on the Qs.
- DO make it a routine, starting early, to have practice exams with you performing at the chalkboard and your peers querying you. The Q exam is a skill, you will learn the skill with practice.
- DO NOT wait until you are “ready” before doing practice exams, you are only hurting yourself. DO NOT hold off on practice exams because practice exams are stressful and sucky.
- DO inquire with SiGMA regarding whether they will stage mock Q exams. Ask them to do this. Ask early in the term. Contact the SiGMA president to inquire about this.
- DO come to your DGS early and often with questions about the Q exams.
- DO read the field rules on the Q exam (link to field rules are here and detailed rules for the Q here). They are boring. Read them anyway. With questions about these rules, contact your DGS.
- DO talk to senior students about the Q exam but DO NOT take their advice without consulting your DGS. The Q exams change and evolve; senior students are invaluable resources about what the Q exam was like when they took it, and often their advice is still relevant, but let your DGS make sure that you know when things have changed and when they have stayed the same.
- DO use the experience of previous students to guide your study but DO NOT forget that per field rules the details of content of the Q exam is up to each individual committee. There is a standard format but enough flexibility that the committee can change details of the format. The DGS typically asks the committee to specify its format early enough that students can prepare.
- DO note the field rules for how students are informed of results. Your advisor is likely to remember the old rules and not the new rules. Know the new rules.
- DO treat the Q exam as a professional event. Dress at least at a casual professional level. Take the process seriously. Be polite and professional to the faculty during the exam and when you are informed of results.
Q Exam Accommodations
If you are interested in exploring potential accommodations for your exam, your are strongly encouraged to contact Student Disability Services ( and to speak to your DGS. You should do both of these (not one or the other) and you should do so at the start of the semester when you plan on taking the Q (or earlier).